Less is More

(photo courtesy of CloudAve.com)



Google Reader is my way of keeping up with my favorite blogs.  It automatically feeds any new blog post into one spot and allows me to read them all at once.  I love it. (You can do the same with my blog!  Or, you can subscribe–over to the right of this article…)

And, because I am still building my photography business, a ton of the blogs I read pertain to the subject of photography.

One new blog I’ve started reading is by Andy Bondurant, who writes The Collective.  It creatively combines topics of photography, business and life.

While catching up on some of Andy’s past posts, I discovered this one, entitled “Can You Say it in 6 Words?

In his article, Andy links back to Smith Magazine, the originator of the idea; Smith asks if you can write your personal memoir in 6 words.  In other words, can you sum up your entire life in 6 lousy words?

Or, does it have to be your entire life?  Could it be this particular season in life?

Either way, are you able to concisely tell another person who you are in 6 simple words?


I decided to give it a shot.

First, I went the spiritual route, because that is important to me:

Loved. Child of God. Seeking. Heaven-bound.

Then, I thought, I’m a wife, so maybe I should focus there:

Opposite. Best friend. A Team. Forever.

And, I’m a mom, which is also important:

Surrounded by testosterone, farts, Monty Python.

What about my photography business?  That’s been such an exciting change in my personal life, recently.

Creatively capturing life moments. Memories preserved.

Of course, I have a social life.  I love my friends and family and all that comes with having close, loving relationships.

Food.  Friends. Fun. Laughter. Listening. Love.

I need to address my physical…um…attributes.

Two children and laziness makes flab.

So, how in the world do I narrow it down to only 6 words??

Here was my first attempt at combining the many thoughts above:

Stinky Food together, makes lasting love.

Wait.  I’m missing being a child of God…

Child loves farts, pictures, and food.

Um.  No.

Loved creatively by God, Hubby, Punks.

Yes.  But, no.

I laugh alongside faithful, flatulent friends.

Partially true, but no.

I am flabby, creative, fertile, loved.

All true, but not what I want as a memoir.

Food, Friends, Family, Faith–I am.

Picturing and living a lovely life.

Creatively loving and being loved. Always.

Living life; seeking, loving, creating, laughing. 


This is hard!  You try it.

I’ll keep working on it and I’ll add my completed 6-word Memoir either at the end of this post or in the comments.

Post a comment with your own attempt(s).

Have. a. great. and. glorious. day!



  1. akismet-3d708f6eeecfbf5d7ad4a3f14393104f

    Elizabeth –
    First thanks for reading The Collective. I really appreciate it! I’m also glad that you found this post helpful and interesting. It is truly an art to do well – I’m not that good yet.

    Here’s my 6 word memoir from the week:

    “behind but catching up while relaxing”

    Thanks again!

    • Elizabeth Simmons

      I like it!
      And, I must thank YOU for offering so much help to those of us trying to improve upon our businesses, and even our personal lives.

      This week’s 6 word memoir for me:
      Always striving to improve. But, hopeful.

I'm curious. Tell me what you think...