Random Thoughts on a Chilly Morning

1. This weather is absolutely fabulous!  Cool mornings and nice, pleasant, sunny days…. More, please!

2. My dog Bear barks at nothing.  Nothing!  It’s maddening.

3.  He also chases dragonflies.  And doves.  Any flying object must be removed from his yard.  So, he leaps and barks and leaps and barks, and chases, and growls, and raises his hackles…at dragonflies.

4.  My elbows are finally just about done itching.  I still have little red bumps all over them (from the biting/stinging no-see-um’s in Honduras), which make for even lovelier elbows than usual.

5.  If I had to choose my most ugly body part, I’d most definitely choose my elbows.

6.  No, scratch that. (Ha!  I’m so PUNNY!!!)  I’d choose my toes.  I have super ugly toes.  What’s sad is, I’ve been wearing a toe ring for years, like 10 years, which just draws even more attention to my very ugly toes.  But, I love my toe ring.  Just not my super ugly toes.

7.  Do you know anyone with super pretty toes??  I don’t.  Name one person that has super pretty toes.  I bet you can’t.

8.  I’m missing the State Fair of Texas this month.  I am sad, sad, sad about that.  I’m tempted to ask a Dallas friend to overnight me some Fletcher’s Corny Dogs just to get me through the year.

9.  I love musicals.  A few of my all-time favorites are: Singing in the Rain, Calamity Jane (I love, love, love Doris Day in that movie), Wizard of Oz, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  And, White Christmas. Those are just a few.  I could go on for days listing musicals I love….  I wish we all would break out in song, at a moment’s notice, don’t you?

10.  My boys have never seen Singing in the Rain.  I feel I have failed as a mother and as a human being.

11.  I’m working out, this morning, with Cheri, all by myself.  Please say a prayer for me.

12.  Did I tell you, last week, that I threw out my back after my workout?  I was attending our youngest’s football game later that day.  I had to go to the restroom.  I was about to stand up from finishing my business, and I felt this sudden and excruciating pain shoot up and down my back.  I sat there for a minute, then got up and was okay. (By the way, did you know that my son’s Intermediate School has bathroom stall doors that are shorter than usual?  So, when you walk in, the stall door comes up only to about shoulder height?  It’s a rather odd sensation to have short stall doors.  I always feel like Andre the Giant when in those bathrooms…)  Anyway, throughout this past week, it would occasionally feel like it was “caught” and would hurt like the dickens, then it would be okay.  But, on Tuesday, Cheri, our new perky trainer, took it easy on us and my back seems to be much, much better.

13.  Since ThrillCam is gone, Cheri, our perky trainer, will be able to focus all or her energy (and torture) toward me today.  I am very, very afraid.  I’ve already ordered the traction body suit to be delivered later today.

14.  By the way, did you know you have muscles in your upper arms?  I had no idea until mine started hurting after my last workout.

15.  Workout is a dirty word.  You should never, ever say it or do it.  Learn from my mistakes, Grasshopper.

16.  I love Fall clothing.  It just doesn’t get cold enough here to really go out and purchase a ton, but oh, how I love Fall clothing.

17.  What I don’t love is wearing Fall clothing for one day, then wearing shorts and a tee-shirt the next.  It does something to the psyche.  And, it makes everyone sick.

18.  I’m ready to start making soups!!  I love that about the Fall, as well.  (I recently saw a new yummy-looking recipe for a soup that has sweet potatoes in it!  I’ll be sure to share once I’ve made it.)

19.  Pinterest is a time-suck.  But, I love it!  Follow me and I’ll follow you!  (www.pinterest.com)

20.  I really wanted to ask my mom a question, the other day, and reached for the phone, but then realized I couldn’t call her.  What a sad, and sort of lonely, feeling.  I miss both of my parents.  I’ve been told that doesn’t go away.  But, that it does get better.

21.  On a happier note, my iPhone went berserk on me this week.  Suddenly the LCD screen went out.  Plus, it had a small crack in the top corner, but I could live with that.  No screen?  I could not live with that.  Also, my oldest son, tossed his phone onto his bed and inadvertently tossed his belt in the same direction–the belt buckle fell smack-dab on the face of his new phone and smashed the screen. (Here comes the happier part…) Thanks to a friend on Facebook (yea, Sarah!) who had mentioned the Cell Phone Doctor, we now have working phones again!  Much cheaper than replacing the whole phone.  Whew.  (By the way, when did “yea” become “yay?”)

22. It is interesting how dependent we are on our phones.  I felt lost without mine, for ONE day!  Worried I was missing something.  Crazy.  (But, I didn’t feel that way while in Honduras, because I knew my phone wouldn’t work.  It was nice being unplugged for a few days.)

23.  I think I might try putting my phone away, when home, in the evenings.  Just unplug.  I think I may even tell the rest of my family to do the same.  You know, from say, 6pm to 9pm.  Hmmmm…. I’ll let you know if it works or not.

24.  Thanks for joining me on this fantastical ride of ridiculous-ness, today!

I hope you have a fantastic day, today!  You are the best, you know it?



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