Category: Holidays

Independence, Fireworks, and Schoolhouse Rock…

“May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!” — Daniel Webster

Thank you, Schoolhouse Rock!

You rock!

Happy 4th, y’all,


P.S. If you want to show your kids more Schoolhouse Rock videos about Independence Day, check out these on YouTube:

*a newer adaptation of an original Schoolhouse Rock video by Pavement, No More Kings

*the original Schoolhouse Rock version called No More Kings

*or, the Schoolhouse Rock video, Shot Heard ’round the World

Happy Independence Day!!

(I posted this in 2011, but the sentiments and ideas still stand. Hope you all have a safe and wonderful time with friends and family this week celebrating this great country we are privileged to live in. God bless America! E.)


 You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks,and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness.  You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.  ~Erma Bombeck

Whether or not you throw a Frisbee, or stuff yourself on iffy potato salad, I hope your Fourth of July is super!

In honor of Independence Day, here’s a brief recap of what it is all about (credit goes to for the following excerpt–had I written it, it would have been three times as long and full of incorrect information, so I decided to go with someone reliable.  And, it never hurts to have the occasional refresher course.):

“In June 1776, representatives of the 13 colonies then fighting in the revolutionary struggle weighed a resolution that would declare their independence from Great Britain. On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later its delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.”

(Stained glass window of The Reading of the Declaration of Independence to Washington–as in George–1776, at Mount Vernon.)

I thought I’d list a couple ideas for things to do on the Fourth of July.  Of course, by now, you’ve probably already made your plans, but just in case you forgot something, here you go.

July Fourth ideas:

  1. Of course, fireworks.  If your city has not banned the firing of them due to no rain, then you should absolutely grab a lawn chair and some Off! and go watch them.
  2. Take pictures of the fireworks–don’t forget your tripod!!
  • Shoot manual and at a slow shutter speed: allow for long exposures of many seconds to 30 seconds, or you can even try the bulb setting
  • Use a quick release trigger for the camera, if you have one.  If not, try setting your release to a 2 second or 10 second delay, especially if the fireworks are being shot off at very regular and quick intervals.  You can press the shutter button and allow for any shake to subside before the picture is taken.
  • Shoot at a low ISO 100-200
  • Pretend the next number on my list is 3.
  1. Eat some watermelon.  I don’t know why, just do it!  Because it’s so yummy!  And, it just goes with Fourth of July, that all.
  2. Ask some neighbors over to grill some burgers and hot dogs, and play some games.
  3.  Have a neighborhood parade–decorate the bikes and wagons and play some loud patriotic music (like John Phillip Sousa), and take your parade through the neighborhood.  If you want to throw out candy, like at a big parade, let your kids throw out all your old Halloween candy.  It’s a great way to get rid of it, and I consider that recycling!  What?  You didn’t keep all your old Halloween candy?  No one keeps candy for that long?  Really?  Oh.
  4. Play horseshoes, ladder golf, washers, or cornhole.  All four are fun games to play outside, while eating your watermelon.
  5. Hang a flag in your front yard somewhere.
  6. HAVE FUN!!

Happy Independence Day!

God bless America,




My homemade Mother’s Day card from my youngest.

First, I’m impressed with his drawing skillz.

Second, I absolutely love the quote he added:

“I say there is nothing greater than the mother of men.” –Walt Whitman (1855)

Finally, in his goofy, lovable way, he writes, “And you are a hardcore Mama! Happy Mother’s day and all that junk.”

It’s perfect.



So, after 20-plus years, my two Baylor roommates and I actually met for lunch and caught up. It was such a lovely and laughter-filled few hours. Marcy and I have gotten to see one another, occasionally, over the years, and Sally and I lived near one another about 15 years ago, so needless to say, it was much needed.

We’ve all changed a bit, which is okay.

While I long for my girlish figure of 20 years ago, I wouldn’t trade the years of good food, childbearing, and lack of exercise for anything. (Although, now, I’m paying for the good food and lack of exercise and having to strictly limit my food intake and move my body more….)

It’s all good.

And, boy was it good to see these great girls, again!!

(Maybe I can convince them to bring their families to a Baylor football game this Fall! Wouldn’t that be fun?!)


Here’s my latest project!

I’m really excited about how these turned out!


I wanted to practice a new lighting technique AND I knew I wanted to create large photobooth-like portraits for the wall along the stairs.

I also knew I wanted them to be sort of on the goofy side, because that can describe our family, often.

I think I accomplished all of the above!


I had to re-design and re-order my youngest’s set. (His is to the far right, on the floor–my husband and I didn’t really like the middle picture I chose originally.)  The replacement is finally hanging up, but I have yet to take another picture of the wall, now that his is up.

I’ll try to remember to do so soon.

I’m going to offer this idea for families and high school Seniors in my photography business!! I can’t wait!!


Central Texas has gotten a decent amount of rain over the last week or so.

This area has benefitted from the awful storm systems that ripped through Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas, as of late.

The day after Moore was hit, my area was under a tornado watch all day; that same system was creating unstable weather all the way down into Texas.

I’m already kind of antsy when tornado is mentioned, but my senses were heightened due to the devastation in Moore. Thankfully, we got nothing more than a good downpour.

Of course, I am thankful for the rain, because the tanks and rivers really needed the water, but, boy, if I could turn back time, I would….

Please join me in continuing to pray for Oklahoma, Grandbury, and of course, West. All of the folks effected by the weather and the explosion will be coping for months to come.


Because of the good rainfall, the grass has grown a ton in a week!

Hence, everyone was out manicuring their lawns and pastures.

Our neighbor was out:


ThrillCam was out.


I even hopped on the riding lawnmower to help out.

Here was my partner, while I mowed the yard:


He follows me–no, actually, he leads the way–always.

Or, at least, he tries to lead.

The dog tries, desperately, to predict where I will go next, and runs ahead, only to look back and see I’ve turned a corner or made a circle. So then he must adjust and run back, get ahead, and once again, predict my next move. This goes on for the entire hour or so I’m mowing (or walking, or driving down to the river, or going to the kitchen to get a glass of water, or, or, or….)

If it wears me out just watching him, it must be exhausting for him!

More on Bear in the next day or two.

(I’m telling you, my dog is certifiable.)

Oh, how I love my dog.

Happy Monday, all!


Looking back (Part Dos)

I’m looking back at some of the highlights of the past few months, especially because I did so little blogging during that time, and a lot happened.

I didn’t carry my DSLR around as much as usual, so I relied on my phone to document our family’s events. (Of course, if you follow me on Instagram, these photos are repeats, for the most part. Sorry.)

So, in Part One, I took you through the summer, culminating with our move from the Houston area to the Waco area.

One of the first things we did was move our oldest into his dorm at college.

(There are no words to describe how much I miss this punk being around on a daily basis.)


After we got him moved into the dorm, we headed back out to the middle of nowhere to hang out for the next 6 weeks with my sister, who lives in the same house where I grew up.

We weren’t able to move into our new house, immediately, so in order to get our youngest started in school we had to live with my sister. We drove him 45 minutes, both ways, every day, to and from school. I wouldn’t have wanted to do that for much longer, but it was fine while it lasted.


While living out in the boonies, ThrillCam took our youngest dove hunting one weekend. In the shot above, he’s showing our son how to clean the dove he shot.

(I know I took pictures of the bacon-wrapped doves we grilled after their hunt, but I can’t find them. Probably a good thing. It would make us all hungry, and I’m trying to lose weight, so no need putting you or me through that agony.)

Of course, one of the many benefits of moving to Central Texas is the close proximity to ThrillCam’s and my alma mater, Baylor University.

You know, if you’ve read this blog for any amount of time, I bleed green and gold. And, during this particular time in the university’s life, it is very, very exciting to be a Baylor Bear! I have ALWAYS, ALWAYS supported my Bears, through thick and thin, but I must say, it is quite fun, especially when it comes to athletics.


(Here’s one of the many reasons being a Baylor Bear is so fun! Our Heisman Trophy winner, RGIII:)


But, Baylor football wasn’t the only scene in town.
Our youngest put on the pads and played hard.

Last year, in 7th grade, the kid was an offensive lineman. He was tall and sort of on the chunky side. (Aren’t we all? …No? …We’re not? …It’s just me? …Shoot.)

After that football season, though, his entire body went through a complete metamorphosis. He dropped a ton of weight and slimmed up so much.

I think he grew 35 feet, too. …Give or take a few.

He could no longer play on the line.

Instead, he played Tight End on offense and Outside Linebacker on defense.

Below was one of my favorite shots during football season. I just loved the lights on either side and the team in the middle. And the sky’s colors…dreamy.


In the meantime, our oldest son discovered a local wake boarding cable park. I’d never heard of such a thing, but leave it to my thrill-seeking boy to find it.

You grab hold of a handle and the cable pulls you around the lake, while you hang on for dear life wakeboard. There are jumps and ramps and such all the way around the lake. It’s honestly way cool!

I’ll try to remember to blog about it more, soon.


At the end of September, our family made its way back down to League City to have one last celebration with our church family. They held a lovely reception for us.

Oh, how my heart aches for these folks.


In October, we had some of our first visitors! Our youngest’s best buddy and his mom (one of my best buddies) made the 4-hour trek to hang out for a while.


November brought a number of visitors. Which meant I had to scramble to unpack most everything and finally get the house in order!

First, I hosted a small reunion for my childhood summer camp friends. (Which tribe do you think I belong to?) (Answer: the winningest tribe, of course!) (I’ve now made my Huaco friends angry…again.)


Then, the very next week was Thanksgiving and we hosted ThrillCam’s family for a few days.



ThrillCam and the boys went deer hunting in December, right before Christmas, and they got 2 deer each.

(I should take a picture of our freezer, right now. It is packed!–we eat all that my boys/husband hunts. We are eating the healthiest we’ve probably ever eaten, thanks to all the venison; it’s lean and hormone-free.)

IMG_2051 IMG_2050

I was going to end there, but for those of you who might get a little squeamish at the sight of blood (sorry), I figured I should end with something else.

Something festive and pretty.


There. No one gets squeamish over Christmas presents, right?

After I rushed to get everything into its place, in the new house, I turned right around and moved it all to decorate for Christmas. I felt like I was in a perpetual move.

Our December was busy and fun, so I’ll save that for tomorrow or the next day.

Then, for the most part, we’ll be caught up on the past 6 months or so.

Stay tuned!


That was soooo 2011…

Happy, happy new year!!

So, LAST year, my family enjoyed spending time with extended family over the Christmas holidays, as well as attending the Alamo Bowl. It was busy, hectic, exhausting, and packed with fun!

How about a sneak peek (all iPhone photos, simply because I have yet to upload the photos from my other cameras)?:

I took a picture in a random bathroom on our drive to my parents’ place before Christmas. (I know it’s weird, but I like it.)


We had dinner at my uncle’s house, where he has one working dial phone in his house. My children had no idea how to use it. I aged in that moment.


My husband and boys pitched in on a homemade gift for my niece, who is presently in love with cooking.


Santa brought me the best gift ever! Green and gold RGIII Superman socks!


San Antonio was all lit up for Christmas.


We visited the Mercado while in San Antonio. So many lovely colors…


Baylor won. Big time.


For New Year’s Eve, I made a yummy appetizer that I will share with you soon.


And, today…I am packing away all the Christmas decorations. sniff. (This photo is part of my #instagram366, a daily camera phone challenge.)



Happy New Year!


I am so ready for this year to be over. So ready.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

I know one date change won’t make everything better, but I guess I’m just ready for a change of scenery…to turn the page…to turn over a new leaf…for a clean break…new beginnings!

How many cliches can I come up with?

And ye, who have met with Adversity’s blast,
And been bow’d to the earth by its fury;
To whom the Twelve Months, that have recently pass’d
Were as harsh as a prejudiced jury –
Still, fill to the

 Future! and join in our chime,
The regrets of remembrance to cozen,
And having obtained a New Trial of Time,
Shout in hopes of a kindlier dozen.
~Thomas Hood

Here’s to a “kindlier dozen!”

And, here’s to counting our blessings.

And, to looking forward, not back.

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
~Irish Blessing

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,
A glad new year to all the earth.
~Martin Luther

Happy, happy New Year, y’all!!


A Handy Dandy Holiday Decorating Tip…for…um…next year…


Who knew a blog could have so much to offer?

I mean, really.

Where else would you ever get such captivating and amusing stories about buckets of meat, faulty cooking tips (to be continued!), football updates, an unusual and weird obsession with tomatoes, stories of kayak perils, knocked out front teeth, AND Christmas decorating tips??

Sadly, nowhere but here.

I know this is super late, but I wanted to tell you about this handy, dandy decorating tip I learned two years ago from my mother-in-law! I never seem to remember to tell you about it in November, BEFORE decorating begins, so I guess this will have to do.

But, this is a tip you won’t want to forget.

It changed my exterior-Christmas-decorating-life forever.

Are you ready?

Hot glue.

There. I said it.

Use hot glue.



Two years ago, we walked up to my mother-in-law’s house and I immediately noticed how precise and exact her lights were around her windows.

They were perfect, in all their perfectly suspended glory.

No clips.



Free floating.

I was amazed!

Apparently, the firemen, whom she hired to hang her lights that year, used the hot glue method.

It was pure genius, in my book!

Immediately, I threw my fist in the air and spoke with great intensity, “As God is my witness, I WILL have straight lights!!” I then grabbed a hand full of monkey grass and began eating it, thinking I was in war-torn Georgia eating a dirty, rotten potato….


For the last two years, we have used the hot glue method.

It works like a charm!


Okay. Here are the directions and disclaimers:

  • You must use the big, fat lights with FLAT ends. Little twinkle lights do not work.
  • Do not use hot glue on your garage doors, like I did last year; it quite possibly, okay, most likely, no…it absolutely will leave glue dollops that never come off…ever. (I went hot glue crazy and glued ribbon and bows on my garage doors.  The ribbon and bows looked lovely, but, unfortunately, when I removed the decorations, the hot glue did not come off.  Ugly.)


  • Soooo… just use the hot glue on brick only.


  • Hot glue the end to the brick (as shown in the pictures)
  • Be very, very careful! Remember: hot glue is…HOT! (I use a low-temp glue gun, which works great.)

Merry Christmas Decorating …NEXT year!!


Happy Belated Thanksgiving


(Things have finally settled down after a busy Thanksgiving week. We traveled out of town and I was unable to finish my post for Thanksgiving Day. But, I figure we can be thankful on other days, right? So, here’s my belated Thanksgiving list.)

Have you been reading your friends’ daily status updates on Facebook this month? You know, the daily “I’m thankful for…” updates? I did not participate in the practice simply because I don’t get onto Facebook daily, and now that the month is almost over, I’m kind of sad I didn’t. It’s a great discipline to daily make yourself write, say, and/or pray about something your thankful for.

So, I thought I’d list a few things I’m thankful for. And, while you may not want to read my list, I, at least, encourage you to make your own, either on your blog, in my comments below, in the Notes on your Facebook page, in a journal, on a poster board by yourself or with your family…it’s never-ending, the ideas on how to commit to writing what your thankful for.

So, without further adieu, here is my short and quite incomplete list…

I’m thankful for:

  • my Salvation…my spiritual life
  • husband
  • two sons
  • good health
  • extended family
  • our church
  • creativity
  • friends
  • laughter
  • dogs
  • sunshine
  • this year, especially, rain
  • chips and salsa…okay, all Mexican food (except Mole`sauce…blech! Sorry to the mole`lovers of the world.)
  • travel
  • the roof over our heads
  • working, drivable cars
  • my photography clients
  • Honduran Cloud Forest Coffee (yum!)
  • the Baylor Bears’ winning season (Sic ’em!! RG3 for Heisman!!!!)
  • my oldest being accepted to college (Go Crusaders!!)
  • good neighbors
  • baseball and football
  • cream cheese and butter and whipping cream and salt and cheese…
  • and, to be very, very honest, I’m thankful this year is almost over and that I’ve survived it. (My mother’s death has had a huge impact on me and my family in more ways than I could have ever imagined…which brings me back to the top of the list and the first few things I’m so very, very grateful for.)
I am also thankful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this drivel, to hopefully laugh along with me and at me, and for the sweet comments and “likes.” I’ve enjoyed doing this blog very much, so thank you for returning, for subscribing, and for telling others about it.
With much gratitude,


Last week, I drove home late from a photography workshop in Houston, only to discover a toilet in our front yard.


Apparently, our oldest had been “throned.”


I snapped these pictures with my phone camera (as you can tell).

Lovely, huh?

Actually, it’s a pretty cute idea the our Project Graduation committee is using to raise money this year. You can rent a toilet for $25.00. The committee will then place the toilet in whomever’s yard you choose. It will stay there for a few days before the toilet is retrieved. Or, if the toilet gift-ee wants to pay $25.00, he or she may then have it moved to another friend’s yard.


It’s all in good fun.



On a quick side note, today is Halloween!

Both of our kids are dressing up today. Our Senior went dressed in high-waters, glasses and pens in his pocket for Nerd Day at school. Our youngest is dressing up, hoping to squeeze out one last night of trick-or-treating, as Dwight K. Shrute from The Office.

I’ll have pictures tomorrow.

We really like Halloween. Not for the obvious reasons, though. We view Halloween as an opportunity to hang out with our neighbors.  Passing out candy is secondary.

Last year, ThrillCam and I had to miss Halloween–we were on our way to Jordan!–so we were unable to hang out with everyone.

Halloween can provide a really great opportunity for you to meet and greet your neighbors, especially if you’ve never been able to in the past. Halloween is your excuse!

Just ask them to bring out their lawn chairs and their bowl of candy.  (We’ve been known to have snacks to munch on while we visit.) Then, the ghosts and goblins walk past for their candy. It’s really way more fun than watching tv and having to pause your show to get up every 2 minutes to open the door.  It makes Halloween fun again, even if you don’t have kids. You can turn off your porch light, but still participate.

This requires no prior planning, just a quick ring of your neighbor’s doorbell this afternoon or a poster board announcing where to join you.  Make it easy on yourself and your neighbors.

Try it!  Even if you can’t get anyone to join this year, you’ve planted a seed.  Next year, your neighbors may be more open to the idea.

On a side note, today is also my mother’s birthday. I’m not really sad, though. It’s just a sweet reminder, like every September 16th (my daddy’s birthday), when I think a little more about them than usual. But, that’s a good thing.

Have a super Monday!

